I'm not much of a nostalgic person. I'd much rather stare at the back of future's head than wistfully gaze over my shoulder at days gone by. But even so, I think it's important to occasionally audit our lives and the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to...

In 2016, my love of Instagram reached a whole new level. What used to be just another item on my endless to-do list has become a constant source of joy. It's helped me get to know you better, improve my photography and facilitate many wonderful conversations. I spend a lot of...

Bombs. Explosions. Terrorist attacks. Watching the news really makes you wonder - is it safe to travel to Turkey? I'll be honest - when I was invited to visit Istanbul this November, I had to think about it for a minute. Was this the right time to go? Should...

For someone who doesn't have a driver's licence, I'm a very outspoken proponent of road tripping. What could possibly be more fun than packing a bag, a few friends and racing toward the horizon? Even the inevitable drama resulting from being cooped up together for hours on end has...

"Did you hear that?" I'm whispering even though there are only five of us, shivering in the autumn chill. We're climbing an abandoned listening station atop Teufelsberg - German for Devil's Mountain. Shrouded in mist and dark forest, the place can send shivers down your spine regardless...

In the past few years Budapest has become a go-to destination for travellers looking for a budget European destination, and I can definitely see why. The Hungarian capital has it all, from stunning architecture to wild nightlife. I can't believe it took me so long to "discover" it despite the fact I...

Finding accommodation is usually an afterthought for me. I book my transport, skim read a few guides and then realise - oh sugar! I still have nowhere to stay! But I also firmly believe that choosing the right place to stay can take a trip from kinda fun to this-is-the-best-thing-that-ever-happened-to-me kinda fun. Like that...