09 Nov 10 Ways To Take Photos Of Yourself When Travelling Solo
Before becoming blogger myself I always wondered...
Before becoming blogger myself I always wondered...
When I first started "Girl vs Globe" in 2014, I didn't have the slightest idea of how to start a successful travel blog. Nada. Zilch. That is why I took to Google on a quest to become the one to rule them all...
From the this blog's humble beginnings Facebook has been my go-to social network. Because I am always travelling, I use the website to connect with my friends from all over the world and using it to promote my blog seemed like a logical next step. I...
Click, clack. Click, clack. Oh, don't mind the noise - that's just me aimlessly tapping on my laptop's keyboard. "Mom, what should I write about?" I ask desperately. "Something nice, to help people," she replies. Ah moms, I think. But it's not like I had a...