The hardest part of starting a recipe series on Girl vs Globe wasn't cooking, writing or even taking photos. It was finding the perfect recipe. I've eaten so much delicious food on my travels that I had absolutely no idea where to begin. Should I take your taste buds...

One of the most frustrating things about coming home after a long trip is not being able to find the food I ate there. I always make a point of eating local food when I'm abroad, even during a long airport layover. And last week I had the layover...

If you were searching for a hot new culinary destination, looking to Reykjavik restaurants for an answer might not be your first instinct. It wasn't mine either but the Icelandic capital quickly proved me wrong. From freshly caught fish to fermented shark, from American burgers to the most delectable...

Bread, potatoes and cabbage. The fact that Soviet food shortages have not been forgotten by contemporary Russians is clearly visible through their grocery lists. But although they might not be the world's biggest experimenters, I can't bring myself to call the Russian way of cooking unimaginative. Who...