Well, hello there! I’m so pleased to meet you! My name is Sabina, what’s yours?

You’ve somehow ended up on my blog and now you’re probably wondering… who is the girl behind all these stories? Don’t worry, I’m going to answer all your questions.

As you already know, my name is Sabina and I currently live in rainy Scotland.

I was born on a warm autumn night in 1993, in a small hospital in Pilsen. Where is Pilsen? You’ll be surprised to hear that it’s a city in the Czech Republic which is where I spent the first 13 years of my life.


Wait, what? This seems to confuse people because – as you’ll know if you’ve ever seen any of my videos on YouTube – I have a very American accent.

Here is why… When I was 13 years old my dad got a job in the lovely Austrian capital of Vienna and that’s where I spent the next four years.

My parents sent me to an international school and although my English was less than perfect, through a lot of hard work (which may or may not have involved learning the dictionary one summer) I quickly improved.

I’m honestly not sure when or why my accent got so American – I’ve never lived in the US – but I’m pretty sure “Mean Girls” and “The Office” are to blame.

girl vs globe london big ben

Aged 17 I graduated from high school and decided to move to the city of my dreams… London. I’d first visited on a school trip when I was ten years old and upon returning home informed my mum that I would live there one day.

At the time the idea of me living anywhere but the Czech Republic seemed ridiculous, but less than a decade later those words turned out to be prescient.

Either that or I’m a stubborn little troublemaker who always goes after what she wants. I’ll let you decide for yourself.

sabina girl vs globe moscow

In my third year of university I decided that wasn’t enough though and I headed out to Russia, determined to master the language and defeat the cold.

I came there to study for a year but decided that wasn’t enough and got a job as well. By night I worked as a broadcast journalist for RT.

But there was always an awkward two hour gap at around 2am when nothing was really happening – and to fill that time with more than idle browsing I created Girl vs Globe on January 7, 2014.

And, well, the rest is history… but also a huge part of mystory. When I first hit publish I had absolutely no idea how much that little time-killing project would change my life.

#yumiloveswinter glenfinnan viaduct monument

I don’t use the word “life-changing” lightly but there is no better way to describe this blog. After I graduated from university in the summer of 2015 it became my full-time job, so now I get to write and travel for a living!

I love my life and I love sharing it with you on this website. My goal is to inspire young women like you and I to take charge, become the leading lady in the story of their life and find magic and happiness in the ordinary.

Are you ready? Then stick around and get reading…

My travels

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If you’d like to find out more about the places I’ve been to already, click here. Don’t worry if I haven’t visited your favourite country yet – I’m working on it!

In the mean time, you can always reach me on InstagramFacebookTwitterBloglovinPinterest and even YouTube (I bring out new videos every Friday).

PS: If you’d like to meet some other fabulous like-minded women join Girls vs Globe, my free online community. There are now more than 6,500 of us and we’re a very supportive and friendly bunch.

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